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The Full Story

About you are not alone

We are 'You are not alone', a youth mental health organisation, run by young people around Queensland, trying to make change. It all started in 2021, when students from Villanova came together to create a video featuring celebrities from around Australia, talking about youth mental health and suicide. Earlier this year,  we held our second annual fun run in Brisbane CBD, raising over $34,000 which will support our school-based programs and mental health first aid. We look forward to continuing to grow, and encourage and appreciate any support.



Our mission is to help young people around Australia to know that they are not alone, and that people care. If we can help one person, than all of this was worthwile.



Our vision is to one day live in an Australia in which youth suicide is not the leading cause of death, an Australia in which all young people are accepted and valued, and an Australia in which when we struggle, we speak up, rather than staying silent.


YRNA acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands we are on and pays respect to their Elders past and present. YRNA recognises and respects their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationships to Country, which continue to be important to the First Nations people living today.


We are committed to improving the mental wellbeing of all young people living in Australia.




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