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 I am a parent

It can be really difficult to help your child who you think might be struggling with youth mental health. Find our tips on starting a conversation and how to get them the help they need.

Reminding your kids that they are not alone


It's important that when caring for a child, you keep in mind your own mental health. It can be really hard knowing that someone you love is struggling, but you can't help others unless you have helped yourself first. If you need extra help, talk to your parents, siblings and cousins for some support.

You can't pour from an empty cup


Actions speak louder than words

Sometimes all it can take to let your child know that you are there for them is a hug, a cup of tea or just taking the time to sit with them. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture, you being there lets them know that you care. After someone has shared with you how they are feeling, they might be worried that you won’t want to spend time with them. Simple gestures can remind them that things will get better, and you can still do the things you used to do together.

Don't play the blame game

It's important that when trying to find the root of the issue, you don't blame things like lack of exercise, too much time on computers or lack of socialising with friends. Although these could be responsible to an extent, none of them could apply, and your child may feel upset when you bring they up. It's important that you don't play the blame game. A psychologist is able to identify issues. Just be there for them, lend an ear and a shoulder to lean on.

 Get help now 

Australia's largest crisis hotline

Listen without judgement

Provide a safe space to discuss your worries, needs or concerns

Available 24/7, 365 days a year

Call service available at 13 11 14

Text service available at 0477 13 11 14​

Support for children and young people

Available 24/7, 365 days a year

Call service available at 1800 55 1800

Online text service

Online group help services

Australia's young person mental health crisis hotline

24/7 services

Call service available at 1300 22 4636

Chat online service

Email service

Australia-wide emergency service


Available in rural areas

For emergency use only

Ability to dispatch police, ambulance and fire

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